Raaji's Creativity

Being creative is a way for me to get in deeper contact with the vivid world of my fantasy, with inner pictures, with feelings or the quality of something that I’m interested in. Sometimes it helps me to gain more clarity of an inner process or helps me to digest and integrate challenges in life. Many of the drawings below happened in a time in my life where I had strong health issues and I was unable to move much. So I dived deep into colours and words and let them flow out on paper. That made me feel alive again. Being creative is being open, letting life force flow through and express itself. It’s like making love to life, becoming intimate with it. One has to completely trust into this unfolding creative flow.






by Raaji Dessena
Journeying from one world to an other and an other
we spend time on this earth, the great abundant mother
learning how to be embodied, human, how to grow wings
to let spirit move us and dance the music, that life sings,
walking this earth path, getting to know its simplicity, its way
partaking in the weaving of the all-embracing dream every day
movement is what we are, life’s motion that makes us thrive
dancing drunken to celebrate the unique gift of being alive.



by Raaji Dessena
On her earnest pilgrimage, questing what in life is real
she traveled with gentle deer, in sunshine and in rainfall
her wondrous path coiled up, into a cryptic inwards spiral
like the ancient snake of wisdom, powerful and immortal
in its depth lay great peace, the vibrant One and equal
life's secret, present in all, is profoundly simple and natural
just following given signs, she heard the owl's night call
and gleaming in the distance, inside that majestic wood hall
a gate inviting open, between trees silent and tall
smiling she had found, the illuminated forest cathedral



by Raaji Dessena
The ocean has called me again
I am intoxicated by that everlasting wildness
It's song is blowing through my heart
it's waves streaming in my veins
in timeless beauty the wind caresses my hair
as I'm bathing in the liquid silver of the moon



by Raaji Dessena

Deeply enrooted we belong to mother earth until we die
during our earth walk we can grow wings and fly high
and discover sky upon sky
the secret is to unify
the below and above, by and by
into the one big I