Doors of Transformation

The work that I offer is a reflection of my own journey through life with its profound teachings and the widening of presence in this human body. My experience of living in the community Pachamama has been an unfolding school of life that I am deeply grateful for and that has shaped the work I offer. In the last few years I have been dealing with the challenges of health issues. This has been a profound and transforming teacher and has birthed a vaster understanding of the essence of healing and presence.

Tantra, Wild at Heart

Tantra is the path of love, the path of surrender and of acceptance, it is a deep relaxation into the heart. Tantra starts with ourselves, it allows us to find a new relationship with boundaries and seeds real respect and love for ourselves.


Voice & Sound

Our voice remembers what we have forgotten, it reflects beliefs and patterns, and at the same time it holds the purest medicine for us: authentic expression, creativity, and an enormous potential of power and presence.


Movement, Dance & Continuum

Dance and movement are the language of our bodies. Movement is what we are, it expresses inner truth and brings us from the mind into the heart, into our senses where deep wisdom dwells.


Core Healing

Healing doesn’t mean the trauma never existed, but that it no longer controls your life. Core Healing creates a safe space for self exploration, learning new tools and techniques and discovering one’s own resources to strengthen and balance body, heart and soul.


  • “Raaji is not just a good group leader, a musician or a therapist, she’s all in one and more than that. She’s a healer. Her presence makes you feel safe, feel seen, feel light. Her voice is going straight to the heart, directing light to the dark corners of your being, bringing joy. Through her love and her sensitivity it’s so easy to open up to the mystery of healing, even if it is painful at times… with Raaji next to you it’s easy to trust and let it happen and for sure you will end up with a smile on your face that comes from deep within.”
